Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cork Passport, phase 2 - Game on!

Well, what a response to my last post about the Cork passport.

There has been lots of interest in my adventures around Cork, particularly relating to acquiring sufficient points to get the passport.

Well, good news. Cork Rebel Week have finally conceded and awarded me my Cork passport! Not in the flesh yet, I hasten to add, but they have tweeted about it, and as that tweet is now public property, the passport is as good as mine.

They made one mistake, though. Oh, yes. A big one.

They assumed (they probably didn't, it just sounds better) that now that I had been awarded the Cork passport that I would just sit back and enjoy the view of the River Lee from my open-top Pope mobile as I drive slowly around the city waving at strangers, Queen-Elizabeth style, flush from my new honorary Corkonian status.

No, no, no, no, no! I am nowhere near finished. In fact, I'm just getting warm.

And I told them as much. And they took it as a challenge. And they tweeted it to the entire Twitterverse. Fair enough, I'm game - bring it on!

So, now we have the situation where I will attempt to get as many Cork passport points as I can, and anyone out there is welcome to beat me. Let's call it #Corkpassportpointworldrecord, which is a ridiculously long hashtag and I don't expect you to use it.

In the interests of fairplay, I will now publish my points to date, and I have to warn you (and the CRW people) that there may be some potential points here that were not included in the previous count because the activities are not explicitly included in the list, but I think they are worth points. We will let Cork Rebel Week decide.

  • 500 for international travel documents terminating in Ireland
  • 250 for pre-registering for my Cork Passport
  • 100 for sharing a CRW status on my Facebook page or Twitter
  • 500 for the picture of me with Pat O'Connell
  • 100 for sharing a CRW update on the Pop the Cork page
Those are the confirmed points totalling = 1450 points

There are a few other activites that I would like to claim points for:
  • We are a family of five, so there are five sets of international travel documents terminating in Ireland. Does that equal 500 x 5?
  • We don't have our return tickets yet. Any points for that?
  • We have had one Finnish and one Irish visitor to Cork, neither had been here before. Points for bringing visitors to Cork?
  • We have another Finnish visitor arriving this week. As above?
  • My parents are coming from England to visit Ireland for the first time next week and are flying directly into Cork airport. Must get points for that??
Finally, a suggestion.

As I continue my adventures around Cork, I will try to wear my red The Rebel County T-shirt as much as possible. If you spot me, stop me, take a picture and tweet it @CorkRebelWeek and @RobiBrooks with the hashtag #spottherebel.

I think anyone who does that should get some points. Cork Rebel Week can decide if this is ok, and how many points should be awarded etc.

Watch this space - this is gonna be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Well Robert has well and truly laid down the gauntlet to all Corkonians in the race to earn a Cork Passport! Make sure to get your photo taken with him if you #spottherebel out and about in Cork over the coming months and share with us on either Facebook or Twitter! #CRW
